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180+ Web Application Testing Example Test Cases

Suspicions: Assume that your application upholds the accompanying functionalities:

Structures with different fields

Youngster windows

The application cooperates with the information base

Different pursuit channel models and show results

Picture transfer

Send email usefulness

Information trade usefulness

General Test Scenarios

1. All required fields ought to be approved and demonstrated by a bullet (*) image.

2. Approval blunder messages ought to be shown appropriately and in the right position.

3. All blunder messages ought to be shown in a similar CSS style (For Example, utilizing red tone)

4. General affirmation messages ought to be shown utilizing CSS style other than mistake message style (For Example, utilizing green tone)

5. Tooltips text ought to be significant.

6. Drop-down fields ought to have the main section as clear or text like "Select".

7. 'Erase usefulness' for any record on the page ought to request an affirmation.

8. Select/deselect all records choice ought to be given assuming that page upholds record add/erase/update usefulness

9. Sum values ought to be shown with the right cash images.

10. Default page arranging ought to be given.

11. Reset button usefulness ought to set default values for all fields.

12. All numeric qualities ought to be arranged appropriately.

13. Input fields ought to be checked for the maximum field esteem. Input values more prominent than the predetermined max breaking point ought not be acknowledged or put away in the data set.

14. Really take a look at all information fields for extraordinary characters.

15. Field marks ought to be standard e.g., the field tolerating the client's most memorable name ought to be marked appropriately as 'First Name'.

16. Check page arranging usefulness after add/alter/erase procedure on any record.

17. Check for break usefulness. Break values ought to be configurable. Check application conduct after the activity break.

18. Check the treats utilized in the application.

19. Check assuming the downloadable records are highlighting the right document way.

20. All asset keys ought to be configurable in config documents or data sets rather than hard coding.

21. Standard shows ought to be kept all through for naming asset keys.

22. Approve markups for all website pages (approve HTML and CSS for sentence structure blunders) to ensure they are consistent with the norms.

23. Application crashes or inaccessible pages ought to be diverted to the blunder page.

24. Really take a look at the text on all pages for spelling and linguistic blunders.

25. Check numeric info fields with character input values. A legitimate approval message ought to show up.

26. Check for negative numbers whenever took into account numeric fields.

27. Actually look at the quantity of fields with decimal number qualities.

28. Really look at the usefulness of buttons accessible on all pages.

29. The client ought not be ready to present a page two times by squeezing the submit button one after another.

30. Partition by zero blunders ought to be dealt with for any computations.

31. Input information with the first and last position clear ought to be taken care of accurately.

GUI and Usability Test Scenarios

1. All fields on the page (For Example, text box, radio choices, drop-down records) ought to be adjusted appropriately.

2. Numeric qualities ought to be legitimate accurately except if indicated in any case.

3. Adequate room ought to be given between field marks, segments, columns, blunder messages, and so on.

4. The scrollbar ought to be empowered just when vital.

5. Text dimension, style, and variety for title, portrayal text, names, infield information, and lattice data ought to be standard as determined in SRS.

6. The portrayal text box ought to be multi-lined.

7. Impaired fields ought to be turned gray out and clients ought not be ready to concentrate.

8. After tapping on the info text field, the mouse bolt pointer ought to get changed to the cursor.

9. The client ought not be ready to type in that frame of mind down select rundown.

10. Data finished up by clients ought to stay in salvageable shape when there is a mistake message on the page submitted. The client ought to have the option to present the structure again by remedying the mistakes.

11. Check in the event that legitimate field marks are being utilized in blunder messages.

12. Drop-down field values ought to be shown in characterized sort request.

13. Tab and Shift+Tab request ought to work appropriately.

14. Default radio choices ought to be pre-chosen on the page load.

15. Field-explicit and page-level assistance messages ought to be accessible.

16. Check assuming the right fields are featured in the event of mistakes.

17. Check assuming the drop-down list choices are comprehensible and not shortened because of field size limits.

18. All buttons on the page ought to be available with console easy routes and the client ought to have the option to play out all tasks utilizing a console.

19. Actually look at all pages for broken pictures.

20. Really look at all pages for broken joins.

21. All pages ought to have a title.

22. Affirmation messages ought to be shown prior to playing out any updates or erasing activities.

23. Hourglass ought to be shown when the application is occupied.

24. Page text ought to be left-supported.

25. The client ought to have the option to choose just a single radio choice and any mix for checkboxes.

Test Scenarios for Filter Criteria

1. The client ought to have the option to channel results utilizing all boundaries on the page.

2. Refine search usefulness ought to stack the inquiry page with all client chose search boundaries.

3. At the point when there are something like one channel standards expected to play out the hunt activity, then ensure that the legitimate blunder message is shown when the client presents the page without choosing any channel measures.

4. At the point when somewhere around one channel rules choice isn't obligatory, the client ought to have the option to present the page and the default search models ought to be utilized to question results.

5. Legitimate approval messages ought to be shown for all invalid qualities for channel measures.

Test Scenarios for Result Grid

1. The page stacking image ought to be shown while it's requiring longer than the default investment to stack the outcomes page.

2. Check assuming all the pursuit boundaries are utilized to bring information displayed on the outcome lattice.

3. The absolute number of results ought to be shown in the outcome framework.

4. Search measures utilized for looking ought to be shown in the outcome matrix.

5. Result matrix values ought to be arranged by the default section.

6. Arranged sections ought to be shown with a sort symbol.

7. Result lattices ought to incorporate every one of the predefined sections with the right qualities.

8. Rising and plunging arranging usefulness ought to work for sections upheld by information arranging.

9. Result networks ought to be shown with legitimate section and line dividing.

10. Pagination ought to be empowered when there are a greater number of results than the default result count per page.

11. Check for Next, Previous, First and Last page pagination usefulness.

12. Copy records ought not be shown in the outcomes network.

13. Check in the event that every one of the sections are noticeable and a flat scrollbar is empowered if essential.

14. Really take a look at the information for dynamic segments (sections whose values are determined powerfully founded on the other segment values).

15. For result frameworks showing reports, check the 'Sums' line and confirm the all out for each segment.

16. For result frameworks showing reports, check the 'Aggregates' line information when pagination is empowered and the client gets explored to the following page.

17. Check assuming that appropriate images are utilized for showing section values for example % image ought to be shown for rate computation.

18. Actually take a look at result matrix information to check whether the date range is empowered.

Test Scenarios for a Window

1. Check assuming the default window size is right.

2. Check assuming the youngster window size is right.

3. Check in the event that there is any field on the page with default center (by and large, the spotlight ought to be set on the principal input field of the screen).

4. Check assuming kid windows are getting shut after shutting the parent/opener window.

5. In the event that the kid window is opened, the client ought not be ready to utilize or refresh any field behind the scenes or parent window

6. Actually take a look at the window to limit, expand, and close usefulness.

7. Check in the event that the window is re-sizable.

8. Check the parchment bar usefulness for parent and youngster windows.

9. Check the drop button usefulness for the youngster window.

Information base Testing Test Scenarios

1. Check in the event that the right information is getting saved in the data set upon an effective page submit.

2. Check values for segments that are not tolerating invalid qualities.

3. Check for information trustworthiness. Information ought to be put away in single or numerous tables in light of the plan.

4. List names ought to be given according to the guidelines for example IND_<Tablename>_<ColumnName>

5. Tables ought to have an essential key section.

6. Table segments ought to have portrayal data accessible (aside from review sections like made date, made by, and so forth.)

7. For each data set add/update activity logs ought to be added.

8. Required table files ought to be made.

9. Check assuming information is focused on the data set just when the activity is effectively finished.

10. Information ought to be moved back in the event of bombed exchanges.

11. Data set name ought to be given according to the application type i.e., test, UAT, sandbox, live (however this is certainly not a standard it is useful for information base support)

12. Information base sensible names ought to be given by the data set name (again this isn't standard however supportive for DB upkeep).

13. Put away methods ought not be named with a prefix "sp_"

14. Check if values for table review sections (like made date, made by, refreshed, refreshed by, is erased, erased information, erased by, and so on) are populated appropriately.

15. Check in the event that input information isn't shortened while saving. The field length displayed to the client on the page and in the data set blueprint ought to be something similar.

16. Actually take a look at numeric fields with least, greatest, and float values.

17. Really take a look at numeric fields with negative qualities (for both acknowledgment and renunciation).

18. Check assuming the radio button and drop-down list choices are saved accurately in the data set.

19. Check assuming the data set fields are planned with the right information type and information length.

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