10 Easy methods to earn money and pay off student loans

 10 Easy methods to earn money and pay off student loans

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Undoubtedly, attending university costs money, but it doesn't have to be so horrible. Without having to take on a second job, you can increase your income and pay off your debt by using technology, creative thinking, and good old-fashioned hard work. The top 10 ways to earn money while a student and finish your education are listed below. You don't have to do them all, but implementing one or two of them might truly help you get through the soon-to-come stressful financial times.

Part time

Top 10 way to make money 

1. Sell your video games, CDs, books, and CDs.

We all have old textbooks laying about, maybe from high school or college, or you may just have unread books from your aunt that you received for Christmas. Or perhaps you have CDs, DVDs, and videos that you no longer use. So why not make a sale? Although it can seem like too much work, We Buy Books has made it quite simple. Simply input the ISBN, and the site will value your books and print a pre-paid shipping label so you don't even need to travel to the post office. The site will then pay you when they get your shipment.

Why not convert your CDs, games, and DVDs into something useful instead of

2. Work as an Extra

Being one of those background characters on low-quality TV may earn you between £60 and £80, which isn't too terrible considering you are essentially a live prop. You may go on set and well on your way to achieving your 5 seconds of fame by using websites like Be On Screen (well, not that much fame). This might be your ticket to additional money if you want to mix with some Z-list celebrities and be compensated for it.

3. Market the Notes

Use the hours you've spent taking notes and creating intricate charts and diagrams to your advantage; you might achieve more than just a passing mark. Your notes can be uploaded to websites like Notesale.


Put your academic skills to good use and work as a tutor as another fantastic option to earn money while you're a student. With an hourly wage range of roughly £25 to £35 this money spinner has the potential to be highly successful. You must post your skills on employment boards for locals to notice or utilise tutoring websites if you enjoy the notion of making money.

5. YouTube

YouTube has the potential to earn you thousands of pounds in addition to being a site full of entertaining distractions like amusing lip-syncing parodies and animal videos. If you achieve 50,000 views a month, you'll be bringing home around £100, and that's only for 50,000 views. You probably didn't realise that you could make some significant money as a YouTuber; you can make between £1 and £5 for every 1000 views. Creating a YouTube account and starting to upload videos is straightforward; however, being proficient takes a completely new set of skills. Even if original content is more valuable, being original is not really important. Keep in mind that some prominent YouTubers receive over a million visits each day.

6. Adding (competitions)

While not suitable for everyone, this money-making strategy may be incredibly successful. You must truly like your pastime for it to be worthwhile; else, you risk being let down too frequently. In essence, you participate in several contests in the hopes of winning some rewards. You will need to adjust to losing more often than you win, even if the rewards might be enormous. However, you may win significant rewards if you succeed. For instance, a two-week trip to Dubai with all costs covered or a Ferrari. If you're thinking about doing this, check at this site to learn more about how it works and how to become a Comper; Competitions.

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7. Detective Work

Although it isn't as fantastic as it sounds, it may be a little source of income. The main concept is that you visit a store, buy a certain item, note the specifics of the transaction, and then you return the item for a refund so that you may get paid for the work itself. Although it may be pleasantly enjoyable, this needs more careful effort because your reports must be exhaustive. A work may cost as little as a few pounds or as much as one hundred.

8. Review songs for cash

You may utilise websites like MusicXray to earn money if you enjoy music and want to make money from your interest.


You might think of this strategy as either a serious means to generate money while you're a student or as a simple way to get rid of your old items. However, if you don't want to take it as seriously, you may just get rid of old goods and make a little more cash. There are people who have made thousands of dollars through eBaying. You may use this short guide for either of the following: Guide to eBay.

10. Contracting out

Being able to charge what you want and working when you want are two major benefits of being a freelancer. A freelancer can write sporadically each week or make more than $100,000 annually. Websites such as Upwork permit

Here are some more fantastic opportunities for students to gain money.

Online Surveys Participate in online surveys to make good use of your leisure time. Many online survey websites will pay you with money or gift cards in exchange for your opinions. You must provide truthful responses and submit to pre-screening tests, but other than that, you're set to go!

Part time jobs from home

Getting a part-time work has several advantages, like improving the skills portion of your resume and earning extra money. Thinking about your existing talents and the industry you want to work in is a smart approach. Think of jobs in retail, hotels, the bar, and so on.


Blogging may be a terrific method to express yourself if you have a strong interest in writing.

Create your own company.

If you have a business concept that has been waiting to be realised, ask your university for assistance. It could be risky, but it's worth it. You may create a business and sell online using social media and online marketplaces as a framework.

Reward cards

It would be a shame not to benefit from the possible savings when buying from a merchant. Make careful to look for and spend any available loyalty points. Instead than packing your purse with plastic, using an app like Stocard is a terrific way to keep your loyalty cards.


Why not teach them English if you have a strong grasp of the language? Even though taking classes might be expensive, you will graduate with a degree and be able to find employment as soon as you finish. View the Udemy TEFL entire course, which includes printable materials, unlimited access for life, and certification upon completion. Alternatively, you may receive 10% off of any TEFL training classes at Tefluk.com by using the coupon 47202F4A.


You may save hundreds of pounds by using Quidco and Topcash Back to receive cashback on purchases. Even if these websites are fantastic, consider combining cashback from your family members and using it all to pay for your university expenses. Once your transaction has cleared, you and your family may shop online at more than 3,500 stores and take advantage of the benefits.


Consider instructing and make use of your knowledge. You can coach younger students in those topics and make at least £20 per hour if you have three A levels. A platform for registering your interests and talents and finding students is offered by websites like My Tutor.

You may save hundreds of pounds by using Quidco and Topcash Back to receive cashback on purchases. Even if these websites are fantastic, consider combining cashback from your family members and using it all to pay for your university expenses. Once your transaction has cleared, you and your family may shop online at more than 3,500 stores and take advantage of the benefits.

Paid Internet Search

Did you realise that conducting online searches may earn you money? By using websites like Swagbucks to search the internet, students may earn money. Prior SEO experience and completing a certification exam are requirements for becoming a search engine assessor. The income is good if you put in the effort and time.

website reviews

Many website and app owners require consumers to evaluate their products for bugs and usability. For a user test that may take you 20 to 25 minutes to complete, you might anticipate earning between £8 and £20.

Your parking place or house may be rented.

A strange yet clever approach to make use of the space on your driveway! You may easily make some additional money if you reside close to major transit hubs or desirable areas. With the help of websites like Just Park, you may charge a predetermined monthly fee to let neighbours within a 5-meter radius use your driveway.


Finding the modelling kind that is best for you is important because there are many distinct types. Do some research and register with a few organisations, but make sure to review the requirements first. These might range from broad characteristics to more particular ones, like height.

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Etsy's Creative Talents

If you're artistic, you may open an online store on Etsy and sell your works. Create an Etsy account first before starting your business. Include any pertinent information, such as the name of your store, payment and billing options. Make your listings, then market your products! Even while Etsy charges a processing fee of 4% + 20p, it is still a negligible expense in comparison to the potential return.

If you still need additional suggestions, visit Student Money Saver and Save the Student.

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